
I always love to see what you create with my brushes! Please feel free to share your artwork and brushes samples by tagging @georgvw on Instagram and Twitter or @procreate.brushes on Facebook. I also kindly invite you to share your feedback and artwork in the new Procreate Forum. :)
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Here’s a collection of the awesome artwork and amazing brush demos you kindly sent me over the years…
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful creations and for your overwhelming support! 🤗
Art by D_Billy // BALLPOINT Brush Demo

Instagram: @georgvw #georgbrushclub

Hey @procreate , I just wanted to express my deep love and gratitude for all your inspiring and visionary work! 👏🙏🥰 I've been working with the genius #Procreate5 #BrushStudio for 6 month now and I'm still discovering new ways to hack parametric control curves, create amazing dual texture combos, and tweak my existing brush sets even further!
After 5 years of Procreate brush making and more than 1.000 custom brushes, I'm finally able to create the natural allrounder brushes I've always dreamt of since I started digital "#drainting" in 1999! 🤩🤗🥳 Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Get Schwingin’ Schwifties! 10+ amazing new Procreate 5 Brushes 🔜⏰Wednesday May 6th - Show Me What You Got! 🤩 💝300+ Brand-New & P5 Optimized Brushes for my Procreate MegaPack (700+ total)
💝10+ SCHWINGIN’ SCHWIFTIES #MultiPurpose #DualColor #Brushes
💝30+ .brushset files w/ thumbnails in searchable file lists (PDF)
💝50+ New Harmonic Color Palettes
💝MegaPack Update No. 30: Every MP owner gets FREE Lifetime Updates!!1! 🙌
💝Friends & Colleagues will get a free SCHWIFTIES .brushset together with a selection of my personal favs 🥳
Please spread the word, stay safe & get SCHWIFTIES! 😎

Hi brush friends! I'll release my FREE #Procreate #MegaPack #Update 🔜 Wednesday May 6th. 🎉 Here are some demo strokes and thumbnail images of 300+ awesome new #Procreate5 brushes. If you already purchased my MegaPack, you can download the new brushes for FREE! 💝 The update will also include some of my favourite new brushes like GET SCHWIFTY, KNIGHT OIL and the KIERKEGAARD INKER family. 🤩

🤩An amazing free Procreate MegaPack update is coming: 200+ brand-new and optimized #Procreate5 #brushes are in their final testing! (⏰ETA: April 2020)
If you already purchased my MegaPack, you'll get the updated version for free!🤗
Happy Procreating and stay safe! -Georg vW #georgvwbrushes

Hey guys! Here comes the 💝#FREE "MAGIC WATER SPLASHER DUO COLOR P5" brush, one of my brand-new #watercolor #dual #brushes for @Procreate, to celebrate the game-changing BrushStudio features of #Procreate5:
Please DL, share and have fun! 😎

Demo strokes with some of my new #watercolor and wet color-mix #brushes for #Procreate5. They are made using the amazing new BrushStudio features!🤩I added them as a #free #update to my MEGAPACK and the WATERLIES Brush Set. Hope you like the brushes and find them useful! Enjoy🤗

Thumbnails from some of my new #watercolor and wet color-mix #brushes for #Procreate5. They are made using the amazing new BrushStudio features!🤩
I added them as a #free #update to my WATERLIES Brush Set:
Hope you like the brushes and find them useful! Enjoy🤗

Youtube Brush Demos & Time-lapse Drawings

Art Lozzi Cartoon Background Painting with New Procreate Brushes

Mega Ink Brush for Procreate 4 (Inktober 2017 Brush Challenge)

Asterix & Obelix - iPad Fan Art Drawing & Coloring with Procreate

Procreate Blending Brushes Painting Demo (HD version)

Gaston Lagaffe champagne (Franquin Fan Art Drawing, Procreate #23)

Georg's PENCILS, CHARCOAL & GRAPHITE Brushes for Procreate

DONNA AQUASH Coloring - Procreate Pental Aquash Water Brush Demo

DRY & WET BRUSHIES - Rough Paint Brushes for Procreate (Demo Strokes/Screen Capture Video)

Sir Ripples Knight Oil Brushes: 17+ Procreate Acrylic, Oil Paint & Glaze Brushes
Check out my Youtube channel for more Procreate videos…
FRANQUIN Brush Demo // Fan Art