🥳FREE Procreate 5 MegaPack XXL Update (v21.2): 350+ New Brushes, 45 Updated .brushset Files
Great news: I just uploaded 45 new and updated .brushset files to my Procreate MegaPack XXL! 🥳My free updates #35/36 (version 21.2) brings you 350+ amazing new Procreate 5 brushes (1600+ total) and 45 updated .brushsets:
What’s New In MegaPack XXL?
The free update includes more than 320+ brand-new 💕InkAmigo brushes. You’ll also get 45 updated .brushsets with 350+ amazing new Dual Color Inker, Inktober, InkAmigo, Manga + Anime, Sketch, Charcoal, Graphite, Dry Brushies, Pencil, Crayon, Pastel, RossBob Oil, Classic Wash, Multi-Texture, Gouache, Acrylics, Comic Ink + SFX, Half Tone, Retro, Wet/Dry Blender and Mixer, Magic Marker, Aquarelle, and Watercolor brushes!
Dual Color Flow, Wet/Dry Mix, Multi-Texture Brushes
Many of my new multi-purpose brushes make heavy use of dual color flow, wet/dry mix, and multi-texture features that came with the Procreate 5 update. With a little practice, you easily control dual color flow, wet/dry mix, and layered textures simply by pressure, tilt angle, and speed! Just pick an optional shading color and enjoy the flow (time-lapse demo video)! I'll add tips and tricks for using and modifying the new brush features next week!
BONUS (Sep 9, 2020):
45+ Krazy Korona Karantaine Kit with multi-textured pastel, crayon, wax, pencil, wet/dry mix marker, and ink combos
70+ Dunce Comic .brushset with awesome new rough ink and retro comic brushes
💡TIP: Download the reference PDF with all thumbnail images and check out my new searchable MegaPack XXL Brush DataBase (beta version) with all 1600+ brushes and their respective .brushset files.
FREE MegaPack Update #35 (Gumroad + Sellfy)
As always, if you already own my MegaPack, you can download all updates for free! To download your updated MegaPack content, simply log into your account with the email address you used for your order and select your MegaPack. This will bring you to the download page, where you can also click a good product rating if you like my brushes and the free updates:
https://sellfy.com/user/purchases (this will also remove any limits Sellfy sets for downloads using your email order receipt)
Since some users reported problems installing the 2 GB InkAmigo.brushset/.zip file, I added all new brushes on top of their respective ,brushset/families. Most of them can also be recognised by the “InkAmigo” and “Krazy Korona” prefixes in their names.
If you got your MegaPack via Gumroad, you’ll find a 2 GB .zip file with 11 themed 💕InkAmigo MegaBundle .brushset files as well as the freshly updated other .brushset files with the new brushes on top. For future updates, I recommend installing these updated main .brushsets.
Due to Sellfy’s 10 GB file size limit I was able to upload all new brushes and updated .brushset files, but not the optional 2 GB InkAmigo.zip file.
For Creativemarket’s 4 GB limit there’s no easy solution, so I’m setting up a MegaPack migration workflow. But since I’m bound by tight project deadlines, it may take a few weeks to solve a couple of technical issues. I’ll keep you posted…
💡TIP: How to update my older MegaPack version?
I made some quick time lapse illustration videos to show you my new allrounder brushes in action:
Boost Your Procreativity With Dual Color Flow, Wet/Dry Mix, Multi-Texture Brushes!
In the gallery below you can browse some quick brush stroke demos with some of my brand-new InkAmigo brushes. All shown brush strokes were done ONLY with just the selected brush. Dual color flow, wet/dry mix and multi-texture flows are controlled just by Pencil tilt angle, pressure, and speed. The results are really amazing, and the set-and-forget brushes keep you in the flow, since you can focus on your art instead of switching between different brushes and colors. Some brushes may take a little practice - but the way the new power features work is pretty similar for most of the new Procreate 5 brushes. So once you get a feeling for one of the new brushes, you’ll easily get familiar with the other brushes/families.

Here’s the updated Procreate MegaPack XXL: Thumbnail Images + Brush Set File Lists (09Sep2020 v21.2).pdf
I hope you’ll enjoy my new brushes as much as I do, and they’ll be of good use for your art!
Stay safe and Happy Procreating! 😊